Buddha Consciousness Books
Channeled Messages and Resources for Spiritual GrowthWe can personally attest that: “The Tao that can be put into words is not the true and eternal Tao.”
~Lao Tzu, from about 2500 years ago
Purpose of This Site
We dedicate The Buddha Consciousness website to promoting truth and expansion of consciousness at the soul level by providing channeled messages and resources for individual spiritual growth. We are listed as a ‘church’ for IRS purposes only because we ARE NOT hierarchical. In contrast to that of a typical ‘church’ or virtually any religious organization, as with the Gnostics of old, we are dedicated to individual personal spiritual awakening and development in a non-sectarian and self-help manner through the realization of ‘inner knowledge.’
Events of great energy and change began manifesting in and around 2012. In our case it started as soon as March of 1988. This will continue as Gaia shifts into a higher-than-3-D existence. We believe it is important to stay informed about these ongoing events as they occur. Accordingly, we fully support other sources that are also dedicated to individual personal spiritual growth, awakening and development.
Diane K. Chapin transitioned on Feb 17, 2004. She left behind a veritable library of materials centered on spirituality, presented primarily by an extremely high, vast, spiritual resource. That resource referred to itself as The Buddha Consciousness. We typically referred to them as ‘TBC’. In one public session, TBC described an in-Spirit joining with The Christ Consciousness, resulting in The Christed Buddha.
There is enough highly spiritual material in the form of channeled messages referenced and linked through this website to keep one occupied for years. Diane’s widowed spouse, Don Chapin, later published her works in eleven books. On this website, he presents Diane’s books and recordings of channeled messages from The Buddha Consciousness, and her own writings based on them, to aid you in your spiritual growth.
Subsequently, Don supplemented Diane’s books with two of his own, addressing spirituality, life and manifestation from a practical standpoint. Don financially supports this website himself, in addition to light-path-resources.org and militarytruth.org, as components of Light Path Resources, a free, online church.
Currently Relevant Channeled Messages
While not necessarily recent, this post includes the fourth chapter of a book entitled You Are Becoming a Galactic Human. We are excited to inform you about this one, as it details changes to human DNA and chakras coming as part of the coming Humanity Upgrade.
Click to read this important post.
Quotes from The Buddha Consciousness
Who Is The Buddha Consciousness?
This channeled energy from the beginning
- called itself a consciousness (as opposed to the entities that typically come through in the channeling process),
- took the name of a well-known historical world figure,
- began providing information,
- and sounded so different from other channeled entities.
Therefore, we felt an introduction should clarify who or what was communicating through Diane. This provides some preliminary information about who The Buddha Consciousness is. In addition, it gives some background into the quality, depth and direction of the teachings on spirituality, as well as why this material is being provided to us now.
The link below leads to an August 2017 abbreviated version of an earlier reading. A rather short version of this piece appears in Diane’s books. However, since this is what remains of the full version, we feel we must include it here. It is impossible to describe what Don saw and felt as he re-edited this version after all these years, with Diane having transitioned yet still present, the peak experiences of which he’d been a part, and the ongoing research and personal spiritual growth. All these influences lead to greater understandings of multidimensional reality. Further, this is perhaps what The Buddha Consciousness refer to when they say, in a wonder-filled, incredulous voice, “And there’s MORE…”
“What I (Don) ‘see’—using an elementary version of what’s known as ‘far sight’—is layers upon layers of REALITY, each one spawning the next.” (Read Full Introduction)
Session with Edgar Cayce
The document linked below is a recently rediscovered transcription of Diane Chapin’s first session with Edgar Cayce in Spirit, conducted by medium, Dede, on June 12, 1983. In it, you will read Cayce’s channeling instruction and guidance for Diane, including detailed advice on how to help herself progress toward her goal of service to God by helping others with information channeled directly from Spirit.
Cayce’s concern for Diane, recognition of her potential, and acknowledgment of her progress to this point is deeply moving. Further, as a Christian himself in his earthly life, his clear understanding that her love for Christ was her sole motivation for undertaking this path to service—and all the fears and insecurities that came along with it at this early stage of her development—helps us understand more about her progression from deeply committed Christian to world-class channel, or “transparency for Spirit”…which Cayce himself prophesies to her here.
It is beautiful to read this man’s insights into what he could have done in his own life to make this path easier for himself and his family. The way he points out the things Diane should do and things she should let go of in order to have a more comfortable experience than his own is profoundly heartwarming as well as instructive. His understanding, encouragement, and gentle guidance is truly marvellous to read.
We hope you will enjoy learning more about Rev. Chapin and her fascinating encounter with Cayce, and that his words will give you something valuable for yourself as well.
Buddha Consciousness Books from Diane Chapin
Listed in order of concept development:
Progressive works based on channeled messages from The Buddha Consciousness:
- A Modern View of God
- Living Life Radiantly
- Life through Self Empowerment
- A Path to the Inner Self
- Life Through Creating Mastership on Earth
- Life on Schoolhouse Earth
- Spiritual Healing: A New Way to View the Human Condition
- The Light Path
- Advanced Keys for Life Management
and from The Universal Oneness (Diane’s 7-year training guides):
- The Spiritual Heart – Originally channeled in the old English vocabulary of the Edgar Cayce writings.
- The Heart, The Pathway of Light – Completed as The Universal Oneness was going through an energy/vibrational shift of their own.
Books by Don Chapin
- Global Shamanic Energy Healing Work – A record of Don’s energy work in conjunction with energy workers in his Global Healing Earth group and its evolution becomes a detailed roadmap with actionable techniques you can apply to your own energy work.
- Engineering Your Spirituality – What worked, what didn’t. Posted May 31, 2018.
- In Psychic Defense – Evading a Master of the Dark Side… the negative side of manifesting. Posted October 2, 2018.
The Empowering Gift of Forgiveness
This is a channeled message from Archangel Michael which is in agreement with the messages from The Buddha Consciousness that came through Diane’s work. The Empowering Gift of Forgiveness
Meditations to Evolve Your Spiritual Connections
“Your connection with your spirit guide is made through meditation.”
~ TBC via Rev. Diane Chapin
The three audio recordings below document Diane channeling The Buddha Consciousness in blissful meditations. Listen to them here or click the link beneath each one to go to the blog post where you can download a copy. Use your up/down arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Visit this page to listen to more channeled messages!
Abundance Meditation 33:39
Chakra Healing Meditation 16:10
Success Meditation 13:47
Spiritual Growth Benefits Experienced from these Channeled Messages
- Deepening Spirituality Results in Becoming Karma-free
- Entering Unity Consciousness
- Feelings of Gratitude Become Common Experience
- Opening 8th Chakra Brings Tremendous Feelings of Joy & Peace
- Discovering Previously Unknown Psychic Abilities
- Previously Irritating Situations Now Simply Taken in Stride
~Rev. Don Chapin, PhD
Recent High-quality Channeled Messages
Channeled messages from The Buddha Consciousness are of the highest spiritual level. Moreover, they are ALWAYS pertinent, meaningful, and helpful to one’s spiritual growth, just as Diane’s spiritual mentors Joel Goldsmith and Edgar Cayce were. However, we realize that other, more current, information reflecting current changes in humanity’s development is desirable. BUT, just because it’s channeled information, for a variety of reasons, not all channeled messages are of the highest quality. The channeled messages we repost on this website are selected because they are strictly IN TUNE with the graduated spiritual growth materials presented by The Buddha Consciousness through my late wife, Diane. Together we referred to this collective consciousness as “TBC,” whose books and e-books on spirituality are available through our site.
We also recognize the contributions of ‘Kryon,’ channeled through Lee Carroll, as well as the prodigious publications of the late Dolores Cannon. Therefore, in this section, we present what we regard as high-quality channeled messages for spiritual growth (from our knowledge and experience). We include website sources with each post, and encourage you to explore them all to explore your spirituality and continue your spiritual growth.
Click to read the latest now.
Highest Good: Channeled Messages from the Arm of God
Recently rediscovered, these messages, channeled through Rev. Diane Chapin for herself and her husband in 1991, were given by a collective consciousness called Highest Good. According to the messages, Highest Good is the femine energy of the Universe, even as Buddha Consciousness occupies the masculine energy. Operating at an even higher energy level than the Buddha Consciousness, Highest Good serves as the Arm of God. Highest Good are the energy of intuition and inspiration, whereas The Buddha Consciousness is the energy of objectivity and teaching. These long and detailed channeled messages provide deep insight into how these consciousnesses worked with and through Diane, helping her to understand her own journey and preparing her for coming stages of development. Moreover, they help us understand the depth of commitment, both of an individual and their Spirit-side associates, required to become a faithful and trustworthy channel (or vessel/vehicle, as the Buddha Consciousness referred to Diane) in service to man and to God. We share them with you now in hopes that they will help you on your own journey.
Click to read these messages
About the buddha-consciousness.org Background Image
Literal, Physical and Metaphorical Significance
The backgrounds for this website and light-path-resources.org come from Hubbles’ eXtreme Deep Field project. These points of light are not ‘stars,’ but entire galaxies on par with and sometimes more than the millions of stars in the Milky Way, which measures about 100,000 light-years across.
The Hubble eXtreme Deep Field
Published in 2012, the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field is not a new set of observations, but rather a combination of many existing exposures (over 2000 of them) into one image. Combining the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, the Hubble Ultra Deep Field – Infrared, and many other images of the same small spot of sky taken over almost 10 years, the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field pushes the limit even further. It is made up of a total of 22 days of exposure time (and 50 days of observing time, as the telescope can only observe the deep field for around half of every orbit.)
The last Hubble Ultra Deep Field released in 2014 was observed in ultraviolet. This image allowed astronomers to study star formation in a region 5 to 10 billion light-years away from us. The study is called the Ultraviolet Coverage of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UVUDF) project. The addition of ultraviolet data to the Hubble Ultra Deep Field using Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 gives astronomers access to direct observations of regions of unobscured star formation and may help to fully understand how stars formed.
Peculiarly/inexplicably—understanding that these are entire galaxies—whenever I look at these pictures, I have the feeling of being “at home.” ~ Don Chapin
“Telescopes peering deep into space place the estimate (of the number of galaxies in the universe) some 10 times higher than before.”
Our universe contains at least two trillion galaxies (link leads to article at Cosmos Magazine)– 10 times more than we thought. (linked paper by Christopher J. Conselice, et al, in The Astrophysical Journal: https://www.buddha-consciousness.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Conselice_2016_ApJ_830_83.pdf)
Astronomers led by Christopher Conselice at the University of Nottingham in the UK converted “pencil beam” images of deep space stretching some 13 billion light-years into 3-D maps, allowing them to calculate the density of galaxies in that volume.
This painstaking work along with mathematical models to infer galaxies as-yet unobservable with current technology was published in The Astrophysical Journal.
One of the most fundamental questions in astronomy is: how many galaxies are in the universe? The landmark Hubble Deep Field, taken in the mid-1990s, gave the first real insight into the universe’s galaxy population.
Subsequent sensitive observations such as Hubble’s Ultra Deep Field revealed a myriad of faint galaxies. This led to an estimate that the observable universe contained about 100 billion galaxies.
Conselice and colleagues found, not surprisingly, most overlooked galaxies are faint and very far away.
And when the universe was only a few billion years old, there were 10 times as many galaxies in a given volume of space as there are within a similar volume today.
As they merged to form larger galaxies, the population density in space dwindled. This means that galaxies are not evenly distributed throughout the universe’s history.
Cosmos At Least 250x Bigger Than Visible Universe, Say Cosmologists
(Click to read pdf file)
From Messages from Matthew dated October 15, 2019
Cosmos and universe often are used interchangeably as synonymous terms. However, each universe is only one part of the cosmos, which has several universes, and each has its own god or goddess as its Supreme Being.
The words “cosmos” and “universe” are used synonymously, as they refer to the same concept, which is the world or nature. “Universe” seems to have a narrower or smaller scope than “cosmos,” though, and “cosmos” signifies a larger and more complex system. http://www.differencebetween.net/science/nature/difference-between-cosmos-and-universe/
AND from other information, we are aware that there are an untold number of universes, many in other dimensions which are ‘invisible” to our 3-dimensional vision, often overlapping with our 3-D perspective.
Combining all the above, TBC’s statement, “And there is more…,” in “The Christed Buddha” makes even more sense now than it did in 1991:
“At their ascension and transition, the Christ and the Buddha fulfilled themselves more fully… that is to say they flowed in such a vastness that they became true Brothers In Spirit. Mastership proceeds through the dimensions. They are now Masters In Brotherhood, but they are beyond Mastership in your definition. … They are One with one another, and they are One with God. But they are also growing beyond Oneness, to All. And there is more.”