Engineering Your Spirituality
by Don Chapin
256 pages, Category: Self Help
The intent of Engineering Your Spirituality is to make available to the busy and media-saturated public a quick-reference manual that can help everyone increase their connection with the universe and with the spiritual side of themselves.
Having been a long-time student of both metaphysics and spiritual development, Don has yet to find any other references that cover the range of topics and options presented in his book, Engineering Your Spirituality. In it, Chapin presents the physiological effects of these spiritual development practices, pro and con.
Starting with assessing various technical fields and what they don’t know, he highlights various spiritualizing practices and Universal Energy applications. He also presents honest answers to successful applications, including an opening spiritual heart and the dark night of the soul. He winds up with channeled information from a pet dog, both before and after the dog’s transition.
By describing the positive changes within as well as the changes in lifestyle, he provides the reader, whether an “armchair seeker” or an “active seeker,” with real choices while offering no guarantees that exactly the same results can be obtained for everyone. While we are all One, our prior life experiences, internal belief systems and personal physiologies combine to create uniquely personal responses.
About the author
A retired military and a multidiscipline aerospace/systems engineer for almost 50 years, Don Chapin also led a “parallel life” of family and metaphysics research. His metaphysics studies eventually evolved into spiritual development. Along with his late wife, Diane, he received a ministerial ordination from a Reno, Nevada-based church which primarily worked with the local HIV/AIDS community of the time. After Diane’s passing, he assembled and eventually published the materials that came through her (eleven books with links on this website). Later, he worked on his own two closely related books, Engineering Your Spirituality and In Psychic Defense, which were published in 2018.
Having lived an event-filled life that had allowed him to experience far more than he ever could have imagined, he began moderating a Healing Earth meditation/low-level shamanic group for three years in Ashland, Oregon. Through this activity, he also found he was blessed with what he called Far Sight—interdimensional remote viewing of the Universal Energy processes initiated by the group. (ref. “Manifesting Mechanics” at and in Appendix 5 of Engineering Your Spirituality). Having confirmed his far sight capabilities in the Healing Earth group, he decided to publish the results in Global Shamanic Healing Work in 2021.
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